national bookstore eco bag
unlike some grown-ups, kids really don't care about branded bags. what's important to them is that it looks cool and functional. cool usually means cute to grown-ups. or not.
one of aryanna's favorite bags is the national bookstore eco bag that we got for free two years ago. once in a while, the eco bags are available in selected national bookstore branches. you just have to ask the sales people to check inside the stock room for stocks.
i asked aryanna what she liked about the bag:
ichigo: mom, you don't see this kind of red color anymore, plus it's easy to see what's inside my bag.
buko: isn't it dangerous that people can see through your bag?
ichigo: mom, the little money that i have is not worth the thief's time.
buko: what about your other stuff?
ichigo: like what? the books we bought for my book reports? please, by all means, someone please steal them!
buko: hahaha...

1 comment:
aryanna's one cool kid. :)
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